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启航彩  Application fields of fully automatic ultrasonic cleaning machines


启航彩  Among all cleaning methods, fully automatic ultrasonic cleaning is the most efficient and effective. The reason why ultrasonic cleaning can achieve such results is closely related to its unique working principle and cleaning method. We know that in production and daily life, there are many things that need to be cleaned, and there are also many types and processes that need to be cleaned, such as removing pollutants from objects, unblocking small holes. Common manual cleaning methods undoubtedly cannot meet the requirements for irregular objects and hidden areas of objects. Even steam cleaning and high-pressure water jet cleaning cannot meet the high cleanliness requirements. Ultrasonic cleaning can also kill bacteria, dissolve organic pollutants, and prevent excessive corrosion of objects. Therefore, ultrasonic cleaning is increasingly widely used in various industries:

启航彩  (1)机械行业:防锈油脂的去除;量具的清洗;机械零部件的除油除锈;发动机、化油器及汽车零件的清洗;过滤器、滤网的疏通清洗等。

  (1) Mechanical industry: removal of rust proof grease; Cleaning of measuring tools; Oil and rust removal of mechanical components; Cleaning of engines, carburetors, and automotive parts; Cleaning and unblocking of filters and filters.


启航彩  (2)表面处理行业:电镀前的除油除锈;离子镀前清洗;磷化处理;积炭;氧化皮;抛光膏;金属工件表面活化处理等。

  (2) Surface treatment industry: oil and rust removal before electroplating; Cleaning before ion plating; Phosphating treatment; Remove carbon deposits; Remove oxide skin; Remove polishing paste; Surface activation treatment of metal workpieces, etc.

启航彩  (3)仪器仪表行业:精密零件的高清洁度装配前的清洗等。

  (3) Instrumentation industry: High cleanliness of precision parts, cleaning before assembly, etc.

启航彩  (4)电子行业:印刷线路板除松香、焊斑;高压触点等机械电子零件的清洗等。

  (4) Electronics industry: Removing rosin and solder spots from printed circuit boards; Cleaning of mechanical and electronic components such as high-voltage contacts.

启航彩  (5)医疗行业:医疗器械的清洗、、、实验器皿的清洗等。

启航彩  (5) Medical industry: cleaning, disinfection, sterilization of medical devices, cleaning of laboratory vessels, etc.


  (6) Semiconductor industry: High cleanliness cleaning of semiconductor chips.

启航彩  (7)钟表首、饰行业:油泥、灰尘、氧化层、抛光膏等。

启航彩  (7) Watch head and decoration industry: removing oil sludge, dust, oxide layer, polishing paste, etc.


  (8) Chemical and biological industries: cleaning and descaling of experimental vessels.


启航彩  (9) Optical industry: oil removal, sweat removal, dust removal, etc. of optical devices.


  Source reference:


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