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启航彩  全自动碳氢清洗机功能与工艺特性:

  Function and process characteristics of fully automatic hydrocarbon cleaning machine:

启航彩  利用除油溶剂配合超声波及抛动清洗工件上附着油脂及粉尘异物外,还附着的金属屑等。同时利用真空回收机对清洗液进行回收再生使用做到零排放。

  Using a solvent other than oil, combined with ultrasound and throwing to clean the attached grease, dust, and foreign objects on the workpiece, as well as metal shavings. At the same time, use a vacuum recycling machine to recycle and regenerate the cleaning solution, achieving zero emissions.


  The main components of the degreasing solvent cleaning agent are products that have undergone advanced refining treatment after refined distillation of crude oil. The SP value of hydrocarbon cleaning agent is 7-8, which is consistent with the SP value of processing oil (7-8). The degreasing mechanism based on the solubility of oil or oily pollution is based on the principle of similar solubility. Carbon and hydrogen cleaning agents are non corrosive to metals and have no impact on the resin. They can be distilled, regenerated, recycled, and used economically. Solvent cleaning agents are the best cleaning agents for oil removal. By amplifying the cavitation effect of ultrasonic waves on your company's products, the oil removal efficiency is increased. At the same time, during the cleaning process, the cleaning basket continuously moves to thoroughly clean the inner holes and surfaces of the workpiece, thereby achieving the goal of complete oil removal;2


启航彩  Equipment structure composition:


启航彩  4 sets of cleaning tanks; 1 set of drainage tank, 2 sets of drying tank, and 1 set of 60L capacity vacuum hydrocarbon recovery machine; 1 set of thermal oil heating steam device; 1 set of condenser; 1 set of vacuum recovery tank, 1 set of storage tank, and 2 sets of tank cover plate; 4 sets of ultrasonic generators; 2 sets of automatic transportation systems; 1 set of throwing cleaning device each; 1 set for each inlet and outlet rack; 3 sets of liquid level sensors; 1 set of control system device; 1 set of cooling supply; 1 set of new liquid replenishment/rear front overflow device; 1 set of circulating filtration device; 1 set of automatic fluid replenishment system and a complete set of racks; Complete set of outer cover plate; A complete set of fully automatic control systems.


启航彩  1、 Equipment model, detergent, function, and production capacity requirements:


  Seven slot fully automatic hydrocarbon cleaning machine


启航彩  Equipment cleaning solution: hydrocarbon organic solvents.

  设备功能: 清洗精密零件、电机转子、金属除油、五金饰品、冲压件。去除零件表面附着的污物、油污、铁削、铁削粉末、非金属颗粒等杂质。清洗后的产品经过热风干燥后达到清洗洁净度要求。

  Equipment functions: cleaning precision parts, motor rotors, metal degreasing, hardware accessories, stamping parts. Remove impurities such as dirt, oil, iron shavings, iron shavings powder, non-metallic particles, etc. attached to the surface of the parts. The cleaned product meets the cleanliness requirements after being dried by hot air.

启航彩  生产节拍:2-5分钟/篮(可按工艺的具体要求设置清洗时间),

  Production rhythm: 2-5 minutes/basket (cleaning time can be set according to specific process requirements),

启航彩  设备外形尺寸:L4800mm×W2200mm×H1700mm,含料台伸出尺寸。可根据客户要求

  Equipment dimensions: L4800mm x W2200mm x H1700mm, including the protruding dimensions of the material table. According to customer requirements


  Cleaning process

  清洗流程: 进料 → 1槽:超声粗洗 → 2槽:超声精洗 → 3槽:超声漂洗→ 4槽:超声漂洗→ 5槽:沥干→ 6槽:干燥→ 7槽:干燥→ 冷却出料

  Cleaning process: feeding → tank 1: ultrasonic rough washing → tank 2: ultrasonic fine washing → tank 3: ultrasonic rinsing → tank 4: ultrasonic rinsing → tank 5: drainage → tank 6: drying → tank 7: drying → cooling discharge


  Delivery method:

启航彩  标准配置:清洗槽尺寸:L530×W460×H500,有些清洗高度:250,清洗篮清洗篮尺寸:400*300*200mm自动化气动升降横移搬送,三菱PLC控制,满足节拍即可。

启航彩  Standard configuration: Cleaning tank size: L530 x W460 x H500, some cleaning heights: 250, cleaning basket size: 400 * 300 * 200mm, automatic pneumatic lifting and horizontal transportation, controlled by Mitsubishi PLC, can meet the rhythm.

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