






你所在位置: 首页-新闻动态-常见问题全自动超声波清洗机的作用原理是什么?




What is the working principle of a fully automatic ultrasonic cleaning machine?


启航彩1、 Introduction to the principle of industrial ultrasonic fully automatic cleaning machine ultrasonic cleaning machine:


启航彩The principle of ultrasonic cleaning machine is mainly to generate strong physical effects on the surface of the cleaned object through the vibration frequency of extremely high sound waves. Through the high-frequency vibration effect, impurities and dirt are completely separated from the cleaned object, thus achieving the cleaning effect.

启航彩  二、工业超声波全自动清洗机主要工作原理原理如下:

2、 The main working principle of the industrial ultrasonic fully automatic cleaning machine is as follows:

启航彩  通过超声波发生器,产生超声波信号

启航彩Generate ultrasonic signals through an ultrasonic generator

启航彩  通过换能器,将电能转换成机械振动

Convert electrical energy into mechanical vibration through transducers


启航彩Generate ultrasonic vibration in the cleaning solution in the cleaning tank

启航彩  让清洗槽中的物体与清洗液彻底接触

Thoroughly contact the objects in the cleaning tank with the cleaning solution



Through the action of ultrasound, thoroughly remove the impurities in the surface pores of the object.


3、 Introduction to the function of industrial ultrasonic fully automatic cleaning machine:


The main function of an ultrasonic cleaning machine is to quickly dissolve and remove dirt and impurities on the surface of an object through the vibration of ultrasonic waves, achieving efficient and thorough cleaning effects. It mainly applies both physical and chemical effects.


1. Physical reaction: Ultrasonic vibration can cause a series of interactions such as radiation penetration. When this effect is transmitted to the surface of the cleaned object, it will physically react with various impurities attached to the object, thereby achieving the cleaning effect.

启航彩  2、化学反应:超声波作用后能够形成化学分解及电化等反应,这些反应会直接作用到清洗物体上的污垢和杂质上,从而更好的实现清洗效果,清洗更彻底。

2. Chemical reaction: After the action of ultrasound, chemical decomposition and electrochemical reactions can be formed, which directly affect the dirt and impurities on the cleaned object, thereby achieving better cleaning effect and more thorough cleaning.

启航彩  以上是工业超声波全自动清洗机原理和作用介绍。工业清洗设备发展今已经有多种类型,厂家实力和特色也不尽相同,因此,需要结合自己实际的清洗需求综合选择,选择真正适合自己的产品,保障后续使用无忧!

The above is an introduction to the principle and function of industrial ultrasonic fully automatic cleaning machine. There are various types of industrial cleaning equipment that have developed to this day, and the strength and characteristics of manufacturers are also not the same. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively choose products that are truly suitable for oneself based on one's actual cleaning needs, to ensure worry free future use!

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This article is from the fully automatic ultrasonic cleaning machine. For more information, please click: http://senfuai.com We will provide satisfactory service for the questions you ask. Welcome to call us!